
python geopy get city and country

I am trying to get city and country names with geopy.

Normally this is how you can get city and country using geopy.

from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim

geolocator = Nominatim(timeout=3)
loc = location.raw
loc_dict = location.raw

and this is the output:

{'suburb': 'Tiergarten', 'country_code': 'de', 'country': 'Deutschland', 'postcode': '10117', 'attraction': 'Potsdamer Platz', 'road': 'Potsdamer Platz', 'city': 'Berlin', 'city_district': 'Mitte', 'state': 'Berlin'}

My problem is that geopy returns city and country names in their country language, for example:

city: Berlin, country: Deutschland
city: København, country: Danmark
city: București, country: România

i want them like this:

city: Berlin, country: Germany
city: Copenhagen, country: Denmark
city: Bucharest, country: Romania

Is it possible to get them in english as i want? or convert them somehow? I am using all countries and cities arround the world.


  • adding language in reverse() function should solve your problem:

    geolocator.reverse(location, language='en')