
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable . MFCC

Working on a project based on speaker recognition using python and getting the following error while finding MFCC.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 10, in <module>
    complexSpectrum = numpy.fft(signal)
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

This is the part of code:

import numpy
from scipy.fftpack import dct
from import wavfile
sampleRate, signal ="/home/neha/Audio/b6.wav")
numCoefficients = 13 # choose the sive of mfcc array
minHz = 0
maxHz = 22.000
complexSpectrum = numpy.fft(signal)
powerSpectrum = abs(complexSpectrum) ** 2
filteredSpectrum =, melFilterBank())
logSpectrum = numpy.log(filteredSpectrum)
dctSpectrum = dct(logSpectrum, type=2) 

What would be the issue?


  • A TypeError: 'module' object is not callable means you're trying to use something like a function when it's not actually a function or a method (e.g. doing foo() when foo is an int or a module). As @JohnGordon points out, numpy.fft is a module, but you're calling it like a function. You want to use `numpy.fft.fft() to do what you want.

    See the numpy.fft docs for more functions related to fast Fourier Transforms.