I'm using a Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspbian. I need to play a video file via HDMI, and I need events to be fired at specific timecodes during the playback of the video. The events are simple write operations to the GPIO. My problem is : what approach should I use to do this ?
My first approach was to use OpenCv (python) and VideoCapture(), but the raspberry pi is too slow, and my FPS is very low (I need at least 25 FPS @ 1080p).
So now I'm looking into other solutions : Gstreamer, FFMPEG, omxplayer, I read the documentations but I can't figure out which tool to use for this job.
I finally solved this easily with omxplayer thanks to python-omxplayer-wrapper (https://github.com/willprice/python-omxplayer-wrapper)
*EDIT: this is what a basic example code would look like:
from omxplayer import OMXPlayer
from time import sleep
/* Setup the player as shown in omxplayer-wrapper examples : */
source = '../video/gray10sec.mp4'
player = OMXPlayer(source, args=['--loop', '--no-osd', '--blank'])
/* Make a query to position() inside infinite loop : */
while (1):
position = player.position() * 1000
/* Event timecodes values are stored in "events" */
for event in events.values():
if position - 20 <= event['tc'] and position + 20 >= event['tc']:
/* Put your code here */