
Remove PHP errors from CLI and PHPMyAdmin

I'm currently getting the following errors when using PHP via command line and on PHPMyAdmin.

Command line error

PHPMyAdmin error

What's the easiest way to disable these errors? The command line errors don't make sense because all them work correctly.

When I navigate to the directory where it's saying it doesn't exist, it's .so version of them not .dll.

Tried disabling them in php.ini but didn't do anything.


  • From your command line screenshot it can be seen that you have unix path and windows .dll - it is a nonsense. You need to look at your php.ini and fix either extension_dir or extension entries.

    For phpMyAdmin errors you need to edit error_reporting into your php.ini to e.g. E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED