When you run a SAS Stored Process (STP) with some url parameters
anyone can see the log by adding _debug=log
in the url parameters.
Is there a way to prevent that possibility?
I would like to hide the log from my users.
(Not only when errors occur, for that cf. http://support.sas.com/kb/16/225.html)
EDIT: I forgot to specify that I'm looking for a solution that would not impact other STP's, only one.
If you're using SAS Enterprise Guide these are the steps that I went through to reject showing the SAS Log running the stp on the web:
1) Right Click to modify the stored process
2) Go into "prompts" and create a new prompt
3) Set the first tab values to this:
4) In the second tab, select prompt type of "variable"
5) Click to check the default value box and leave the default value blank
Now when a user tries to run the stored process from the web with &_debug=log they should see an error not allowing them to: