
How can I edit a ruby file (Rakefile) in place from within ruby?

I'm not sure if the question title makes sense, but here's what I'm trying to do.

I have a Rakefile that contains an array. I want to be able to use another ruby script to read the Rakefile, add something to that array, sort it, then write it back to the Rakefile in place.

In pseudo code, this is what I'm essentially trying to achieve:

rake_file = load file('Rakefile')
rake_file.array += 'new data'
file.write Rakefile

The Rakefile contains many arrays and tasks, so I can't treat it like a regular text file and just append a value to the file and sort, hence why my idea is to load it and edit the array as above.

Is this even possible?


  • I can't treat it like a regular text file

    You then need to learn ANTLR, create a Ruby grammar, generate a parser, and write a Java or C# or Python tree walker to edit your array. Simple :-)

    I have imagined a quick and simple solution. The array is kept in a file, say array_source.rb :

        a = [1, 5, 10, 15]

    This file can be manually edited, or, if you need to programmatically generate the data, created with a script, say create_array_source.rb :

    # update the file containing the array of data in text representation
    array_source_name = 'array_source.rb'
    a = [1, 5, 10, 15]
    # add new data
    [2, 6, 11, 16].each { | e | a << e }
    puts a.join(' ')
    # Write it to a file, 'w') do | out |
        # to avoid a very long single line, the data is pretty printed
        groups = []
        a.sort.each_slice(4) { | slice | groups << slice.join(', ') }
        out.puts '    ['
        out.print '     '
        out.puts groups.join(",\n     ")
        out.puts '    ]'
    puts "#{array_source_name} has been created"

    Execution :

    $ ruby -w create_array_source.rb 
    1 5 10 15 2 6 11 16
    array_source.rb has been created

    File array_source.rb after :

         1, 2, 5, 6,
         10, 11, 15, 16

    In the Rakefile, the array to update is placed between two specific markers :

    task :default => [:ta, :tb] do
    task :ta do
        # $$insert array after$$
        a = [1, 5, 10, 15]
        # $$insert array before$$
        # do something with a
    task :tb do
        # do something

    So it is easy to write a script which processes it as a text file, splitting the lines into two parts :

    and then rewrite the file by concatenating the first part, the array and the second part :

    # modify a specific array in a Rakefile
    rakefile_name     = 'Rakefile'
    array_source_name = 'array_source.rb'
    lines = IO.readlines(rakefile_name)
    insert_marker_after_seen  = false
    insert_marker_before_seen = false
    lines1 = []
    lines2 = IO.readlines(array_source_name)
    lines3 = []
    # split the Rakefile
    lines.each do | line |
        when insert_marker_after_seen == false
            lines1 << line
            if line.include?('$$insert array after$$')
                insert_marker_after_seen = true
        when ! insert_marker_before_seen
            # ignore array lines
            if line.include?('$$insert array before$$')
                insert_marker_before_seen = true
                lines3 << line
            lines3 << line
    # Rewrite the Rakefile, 'w') do | out |
        [ lines1, lines2, lines3 ].each do | lines_group |
            lines_group.each { | line | out.puts line }
    puts "#{rakefile_name} has been updated with #{array_source_name}"

    Execution :

    $ ruby -w modify_rakefile.rb 
    Rakefile has been updated with array_source.rb

    Rakefile after :

    task :default => [:ta, :tb] do
    task :ta do
        # $$insert array after$$
         1, 2, 5, 6,
         10, 11, 15, 16
        # $$insert array before$$
        # do something with a
    task :tb do
        # do something