how can I get all "steamids" from Players where "gameid" exists and has the value "730"? It shows:
NOTICE Undefined property: stdClass::$gameid on line number 31
because "gameid" doesn't exist in every element
$players = json_decode(file_get_contents("test.json"));
foreach($players->response->Players as $mydata)
if($players->gameid == "730"){
echo $mydata->steamid . "\n";
My json:
"response": {
"players": [
"steamid": "76561198273176399",
"loccountrycode": "US"
"steamid": "76561198386141115",
"gameid": "730",
"loccountrycode": "DE"
"steamid": "76561198019025166",
"gameid": "730",
"loccountrycode": "RU"
"steamid": "76561198010529217",
"loccountrycode": "DK"
if($players->gameid == "730"){
$players->response->players // small letter "p"
if($mydata->gameid == "730"){
It's the same as $mydata->steamid
Since not every player has a gameid
it's better to check on that aswell:
if( isset($mydata->gameid) && $mydata->gameid === '730' ) // or check on empty if the "gameid" can be set but also can be empty