Does anyone know what is the origin of the name for the construct called guards?
func x
| cond1 -> expr1
| condN -> exprN
Wikipedia article Guard_(computer_science) gives some historical perspective, but lacks explanation for where name came from (it just mentions that SASL was one of the first to use the name).
So far I found references to Edsger Dijkstra and his Guarded Command Language. Was he first to use the term 'guard'?
Yes, the term is from Dijkstra. Guarded commands, non-determinacy and formal derivation of programs (CACM 1975)
It's ironically hilarious that the Wikipedia article Guard (computer science) says "Guard code provides an early exit from a subroutine, and is a commonly used deviation from structured programming", lacking a fundamental appreciation of guards & structured programming, since the term became important because Dijkstra's guards were a fundamental & influential contribution to structured programming.