I am writing a photo album app which can access the photo from the user's photo library, add filter, and delete photo. I used the Photo framework to delete an asset with PHAssetChangeRequest.deleteAssets(assetToDelete)
The class of asset here is PHAsset
// Delete the photo from library
@IBAction func deleteBtnPressed(_ sender: Any) {
let assetToDelete = self.asset
if let assetToDelete = assetToDelete
But error happen here, "Argument type 'PHAsset' does not conform to expected type 'NSFastEnumeration'".
So I change the type of assetToDelete as Xcode recommended:
PHAssetChangeRequest.deleteAssets(assetToDelete as! NSFastEnumeration)
It still doesn't work, the error is shows that:
Could not cast value of type 'PHAsset' to 'NSFastEnumeration'
Does anyone know how to deal with this? Thanks!
The clue is in the name ‘assets’ plural - the API wants an array or any other collection type that conforms to NSFastEnumeration e.g Set
PHAssetChangeRequest.deleteAssets([assetToDelete] as NSArray)