
How to pass Thunderforest API key to the R ggspatial package to create a map

I am creating maps using the rosm and ggspatial R package. The ggosm function is easy to use to extract a base map layer based on the spatial object provided. Here is an example.


ggosm() + 
  geom_spatial(longlake_waterdf, fill = NA, color = "black")

enter image description here

This works great. I can change the base map layer to other types (See osm.types() for available types. Here is an example to use cartolight as the base map layer.

ggosm(type = "cartolight") + 
  geom_spatial(longlake_waterdf, fill = NA, color = "black")

enter image description here

This also works. Now my question is how to pass Thunderforest API key? If I used the type as thunderforestoutdoors, I got the following output.

ggosm(type = "thunderforestoutdoors") + 
  geom_spatial(longlake_waterdf, fill = NA, color = "black")

enter image description here

Clearly, I need the Thunderforest API key, so I have registered an API key from This page ( shows how to use the API key. The documentation of rosm also shows that users can define map tiles by providing the URL (See ?as.tile_source). Nevertheless, it seems like the general structure of URL is like: https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=<insert-your-apikey-here>. I will need to know the z, x, and y (zoom level and tile number) to specify the tile. It is not possible because I have a lot of spatial objects to plot and I need ggosm to determine the right zoom level and tiles for me. It would be great if anyone can shed some light on this.


  • Solution:

    Chuckle - There is a way to do this do this with rosm without modifying the library.

    Note - I cover how to hide your public API key when using shared code under a separate follow-on bullet for completeness.

    I hope this helps, it should at the very least make it easier for those who want to do what you propose without requiring library modifications.

    Take Care T.

    Example Usage: source_from_url_format()

    Note: Replace <insert key> with your private key from the Thunderforest website.

    if (!require(ggplot2)) install.packages("ggplot2")
    if (!require(rosm)) install.packages("rosm")
    if (!require(ggspatial)) install.packages("ggspatial")
    if (!require(sp)) install.packages("sp")
    thunderforest = source_from_url_format(
      url_format = c('${z}/${x}/${y}.png?apikey=<insert key>',
                     '${z}/${x}/${y}.png?apikey=<insert key>',
                     '${z}/${x}/${y}.png?apikey=<insert key>'),
      attribution = "More on Thunderforest at"
    ggosm(type = thunderforest) + 
      geom_spatial(longlake_waterdf, fill = NA, color = "black")

    Example Runtime output:

    > if (!require(ggplot2)) install.packages("ggplot2")
    > if (!require(rosm)) install.packages("rosm")
    > if (!require(ggspatial)) install.packages("ggspatial")
    > if (!require(sp)) install.packages("sp")
    > thunderforest = source_from_url_format(
    +   url_format = c('${z}/${x}/${y}.png?apikey=<secret>',
    +                  '${z}/${x}/${y}.png?apikey=<secret>',
    +                  '${z}/${x}/${y}.png?apikey=<secret>'),
    +   attribution = "More on Thunderforest at"
    + )
    > ggosm(type = thunderforest) + 
    +   geom_spatial(longlake_waterdf, fill = NA, color = "black")
    Converting coordinates to lat/lon (epsg:4326)
    Zoom: 15
    Fetching 4 missing tiles
      |===================================================================================================================================| 100%

    Output Plot:

    enter image description here

    Hide your Thunderforest API Key from public Code

    A separate but related problem is how you should hide your API key from your public code. The recommended approach is to add your API key to your ~/.Renviron file.

    THUNDERFOREST_API_KEY="<insert api key"`

    we retrieve the environment variable via a call too:


    now we can invoke this from within an R program as follows:

    if (!require(ggplot2)) install.packages("ggplot2")
    if (!require(rosm)) install.packages("rosm")
    if (!require(ggspatial)) install.packages("ggspatial")
    if (!require(sp)) install.packages("sp")
    thunderforest = source_from_url_format(
      url_format = c(paste0('${z}/${x}/${y}.png?apikey=',Sys.getenv("THUNDERFOREST_API_KEY")),
      attribution = "More on Thunderforest at"
    ggosm(type = thunderforest) +
      geom_spatial(longlake_waterdf, fill = NA, color = "black")

    Executed Code

    Using this example it is much easier to share your code. No keys need to be included in the published code ;-)

    > if (!require(ggplot2)) install.packages("ggplot2")
    > if (!require(rosm)) install.packages("rosm")
    > if (!require(ggspatial)) install.packages("ggspatial")
    > if (!require(sp)) install.packages("sp")    
    > thunderforest = source_from_url_format(
    +   url_format = c(paste0('${z}/${x}/${y}.png?apikey=',Sys.getenv("THUNDERFOREST_API_KEY")),
    +                  paste0('${z}/${x}/${y}.png?apikey=',Sys.getenv("THUNDERFOREST_API_KEY")),
    +                  paste0('${z}/${x}/${y}.png?apikey=',Sys.getenv("THUNDERFOREST_API_KEY"))),
    +   attribution = "More on Thunderforest at"
    + )
    > ggosm(type = thunderforest) +
    +   geom_spatial(longlake_waterdf, fill = NA, color = "black")
    Converting coordinates to lat/lon (epsg:4326)
    Zoom: 15

    Output Plot:

    enter image description here