
C++ showing caught exception in MessageDialog

I’m currently learning C++/CX, with Windows Universal App, and I want to show a caught exception message in a MessageDialog, however, C++/CX works in a way that I don’t understand, in that I can't convert a char* into a string type, which is what the MessageDialog expects as input.

catch (const std::invalid_argument ex)
   MessageDialog^ ErrorBox = ref new MessageDialog(ex.what());

I hope you can help me.


  • The MessageDialog accepts a Platform::String.

    The Platform::String accepts a char16* s

    And you have a char*, so, you have to find a way to convert it to char16*, and this is how you do it:

    wchar_t buffer[ MAX_BUFFER ];
    mbstowcs( buffer, ex.what(), MAX_BUFFER );
    platformString = ref new Platform::String( buffer );

    This should work:

    catch (const std::invalid_argument ex)
       wchar_t buffer[ MAX_BUFFER ];
       mbstowcs( buffer, ex.what(), MAX_BUFFER );
       platformString = ref new Platform::String( buffer );
       MessageDialog^ ErrorBox = ref new MessageDialog(platformString);