I have calculated route for 10 waypoints. If i simply create new MapRoute it will draw full route from first to last waypoint. Is it possible to draw part of route, from first to second waypoint? I use HERE SDK version. I have found this answer, but it for previous version.
I have tried to draw only first subleg in this way:
int duration = route.getTta(Route.TrafficPenaltyMode.AVOID_LONG_TERM_CLOSURES, 0).getDuration();
RouteElements routeElementsFromDuration = route.getRouteElementsFromDuration(0, duration);
MapPolyline mapPolyline = new MapPolyline(routeElementsFromDuration.getGeometry());
But when map tilt enabled polyline drawn somewhere above roads, and if i change scale polyline change position relative to map tile objects.
Currently it is not possible, workaround - calculate route between each point and draw required part.