I am trying to check each row in the DataGridView whenever I add an Item in order to avoid duplicates. But my code only allows me to check the first data I added.
Here is my code:
For Each row In BarcodePrintListGrid.Rows
If Label44.Text = row.Cells("Barcode ID").Value Then
MetroMessageBox.Show(Me, "Item Already Added", "System Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
Label47.Text = "None"
Label44.Text = "None"
Label42.Text = "None"
Label31.Text = "None"
Label40.Text = "0"
Exit For
BarcodePrintListGrid.Rows.Add(Label47.Text, Label44.Text, Label42.Text, Label31.Text, Label40.Text, 1)
MetroMessageBox.Show(Me, "Item Added to List", "System Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
Label47.Text = "None"
Label44.Text = "None"
Label42.Text = "None"
Label31.Text = "None"
Label40.Text = "0"
Exit For
End If
You have to wait until the loop has gone all the rows of your DataGridView
before deciding to add the row to it or not.
Try with this code :
Dim test As Boolean = False
For Each row In BarcodePrintListGrid.Rows
If Label44.Text = row.Cells("Barcode ID").Value Then
Exit For
End If
if test=false then
BarcodePrintListGrid.Rows.Add(Label47.Text, Label44.Text, Label42.Text, Label31.Text, Label40.Text, 1)
MetroMessageBox.Show(Me, "Item Added to List", "System Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
MetroMessageBox.Show(Me, "Item Already Added", "System Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
end if
Label47.Text = "None"
Label44.Text = "None"
Label42.Text = "None"
Label31.Text = "None"
Label40.Text = "0"