
Executing a single command and exiting from Spring Shell 2

I stumbled upon this question from a while back, explaining how to get a Spring Shell application to exit after calling it from the command line with a single command. However, testing this in 2.0.0 with Spring Boot, it does not seem to be the case any more that invoking the JAR with command arguments will execute that command and then exit. The shell just starts as normal without executing the supplied command. Is it still possible to do this? If not, would it be possible to pass the arguments from the JAR execution to Spring Shell and then trigger an exit after execution?

For example, let's say I have a command, import that has a couple options. It could be run in the shell like this:

$ java -jar my-app.jar

> import -f /path/to/file.txt --overwrite
Successfully imported 'file.txt'

> exit

But it would be nice to be able to simply execute and exit, for the sake of building a script that can utilize this function:

$ java -jar my-app.jar import -f /path/to/file.txt --overwrite
Successfully imported 'file.txt'


  • I found a nice little work-around. Rather than creating an ApplicationRunner that mimics the v1 behavior (which is tricky, since JLineInputProvider is a private class), I created one that is optionally loaded, based on active Spring profile. I used JCommander to define the CLI parameters, allowing me to have identical commands for the interactive shell and the one-off executions. Running the Spring Boot JAR with no args triggers the interactive shell. Running it with arguments triggers the one-and-done execution.

    public class ImportParameters {
      @Parameter(names = { "-f", "--file" }, required = true, description = "Data file")
      private File file;
      @Parameter(names = { "-t", "--type" }, required = true, description = "Data type")
      private DataType dataType;
      @Parameter(names = { "-o", "--overwrite" }, description = "Flag to overwrite file if it exists")
      private Boolean overwrite = false;
      /* getters and setters */
    public class ImportCommandExecutor {
      public void run(ImportParameters params) throws Exception {
        // import logic goes here
    /* Handles interactive shell command execution */
    public class JLineInputExecutor {
      // All command executors are injected here
      @Autowired private ImportCommandExecutor importExecutor;
      @ShellMethod(key = "import", value = "Imports the a file of a specified type.")
      public String importCommand(@ShellOption(optOut = true) ImportParameters params) throws Exception {;
    /* Handles one-off command execution */
    public class JCommanderInputExecutor implements ApplicationRunner {
      // All command executors are injected here
      @Autowired private ImportCommandExecutor importExecutor;
      public void run(ApplicationArguments args) throws Exception {
        // Create all of the JCommander argument handler objects
        BaseParameters baseParameters = new BaseParameters();
        ImportParameters importParameters = new ImportParameters();
        JCommander jc = newBuilder().
          .addCommand("import", importParameters)
        String mainCommand = jc.getParsedCommand();
        if ("import".equals(mainCommand)){
        } else if (...) {
    public class CommandLineInterfaceConfiguration {
      // All of my command executors are defined as beans here, as well as other required configurations for both modes of execution 
      public ImportCommandExecutor importExecutor (){
        return new ImportCommandExecutor();
    public class SingleCommandConfiguration {
      public JCommanderInputExecutor commandLineInputExecutor(){
        return new JCommanderInputExecutor();
    public class Application {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        String[] profiles = getActiveProfiles(args);
        SpringApplicationBuilder builder = new SpringApplicationBuilder(Application.class);
        System.out.println(String.format("Command line arguments: %s  Profiles: %s",
            Arrays.asList(args), Arrays.asList(profiles)));;
      private static String[] getActiveProfiles(String[] args){
        return Arrays.asList(args).contains("-X") ? new String[]{"CLI", "SINGLE_COMMAND"} : new String[]{"CLI"};

    So now I can trigger the interactive client by simply running my executable JAR:

    java -jar app.jar
    > import -f /path/to/file.txt -t GENE -o
    > quit()

    Or, if I pass the '-X' argument on the command line, the application will execute and then exit:

    java -jar app.jar -X import -f /path/to/file.txt -t GENE -o