Note: this question is here for historical reasons or for users of Powershell < 6.0.0. This problem should not occur in Powershell 6 and beyond.
I'm trying to use the powershell cmdlet Invoke-RestMethod
to print a json endpoint to the console.
The command executes successfully but the end result is a terminal table containing all of the json's level 1 fields.
I'm running the cmdlet like this:
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri <some url here> -Method GET -ContentType "application/json"
And getting something like this:
sections _links
-------- ------
{@{rel=parent; href=
How do I get it to just print the raw response to the terminal without formatting?
First of all, the -Method
and -ContentType
you are providing are the default, you can drop those. And to get the json, cast it back to json.
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
I have no idea why you want to cast back to json, but well, here you go.