
iPhone: Can't find keyplane that supports type 8 for keyboard iPhone-Portrait-DecimalPad; using Default?

I'm writing an iPhone app which uses a keypad that includes a decimal point. Because this is not standard in the Interface Builder i have assigned this to a text field in the viewDidLoad method like this:

[self.TextField_PrintedRepeat setKeyboardType:UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad];

When i run this app, tap the text field and expose the keypad, i get this entered into the console log:

Can't find keyplane that supports type 8 for keyboard iPhone-Portrait-DecimalPad; using Default

Have you any ideas what this means?
Do i need to worry?
How can i stop this console message?

EDIT: i'm using iOS 4.2.1


  • What version OS are you running against? the DecimalPad keyboard type was only introduced in 4.1, so if you are planning on allowing prior versions you will get this warning, and it will revert to the normal keyboard type. If you don't want this happening, check for the existence of UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad before doing the call.