I'm using Doctrine 2 where I have multiple connections for DBAL. I have also multiple EntityManagers in ORM.
I need to be able to somehow autowire specific DBAL connection into other Symfony 3 services.
I can autowire any EntitiyManager using EntityManagerDecorator but don't know how to do the same with connection. I'm able to get the connection from EntityManager but I don't think it's the way to go.
You can specify wrapper class for doctrine connections, no proxy class needed:
wrapper_class: AppBundle\Connections\ConnectionDefault
wrapper_class: AppBundle\Connections\ConnectionSecond
Connections should extend Doctrine\DBAL\Connection
namespace AppBundle\Connection;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
class ConnectionDefault extends Connection
class ConnectionSecond extends Connection
and create service aliases:
AppBundle\Connections\ConnectionDefault: '@doctrine.dbal.default_connection'
AppBundle\Connections\ConnectionSecond: '@doctrine.dbal.second_connection'
then you can simply inject desired connection into service by typehinting it:
class MyService {
public function __construct(ConnectionDefault $connection) {...}
class MyOtherService {
public function __construct(ConnectionSecond $connection) {...}