
Multisession parallelism with a shared stderr redirect

I am trying to run R code with multisession parallelism such that all the error messages redirect to the same file. However, the sink() cannot be created.

cl <- makePSOCKcluster(2)
f <- function(){
  withr::with_message_sink("messages.txt", Sys.sleep(10))
clusterCall(cl = cl, fun = f)

## Error in checkForRemoteErrors(lapply(cl, recvResult)) :
##   2 nodes produced errors; first error: Cannot establish message sink when another sink is active.
## Calls: clusterCall -> checkForRemoteErrors
## Execution halted


Given some of the responses, I should elaborate on the purpose of this post. I am developing drake, an R package with multiple parallel backends. Today, I implemented a new hook argument to make(), which just wraps individual parallel jobs in a function of the user's choice. What I am really looking for is a hook that silences the console regardless of parallel backend. Backends in the current development version include

I thought I found a hook that worked for stderr.

hook <- function(){
  withr::with_message_sink("messages.txt", Sys.sleep(10))

However, withr::with_message_sink() does not let me sink multiple workers to the same file for the parLapply() or future::multisession backends.


  • Can you just use sink?:

    cl <- makePSOCKcluster(2)
    clusterApply(cl, seq_along(cl), function(i) workerID <<- i)
    f <- function(){
      outtxt <- paste(workerID, "messages.txt", sep="_")
    clusterCall(cl = cl, fun = f)