I am trying to deploy my Flask app on Nginx using uWSGI. I used this tutorial to deploy my flask app. I have the following ini file: extractor.ini
module = wsgi:app
master = true
processes = 5
socket = extractor.sock
chmod-socket = 660
vacuum = true
log-date = @(exec://date +%%F-%%H-%%M)
logdir = /home/rkok/extractor/logs/
daemonize = %(logdir)uwsgi-%(log-date).log
die-on-term = true
However when I try to start my project using
sudo systemctl start extractor
it shows the following error when I check the service status:
uwsgi[31788]: /bin/sh: 1: date: not found
I have read here that all 2.x versions should support @(exec://date +%%F-%%H-%%M). %%F-%%H-%%M should become YYYY-mm-dd-HH-MM format in the ini file.
I the reactions it says that it could be my path, but I am unsure about how to check my path inside an ini file, as I am using a virtualenv instead of my system environment. My system setting:
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS x64
Python 3.5.2
Virtualenv 15.1.0
uWSGI 2.0.15
Nginx 1.10.3
So my question is: How can I get uWSGI to generate a new log file using the system datetime inside the ini file?
ps. My flask app deploys succesfully when I leave out the @(exec://date +%%F-%%H-%%M) part.
The issue could be because of PATH environment variable being different in the two environments. So you should be using absolute paths instead. Change
log-date = @(exec://date +%%F-%%H-%%M)
log-date = @(exec:///bin/date +%%F-%%H-%%M)