
Attempting to link a native module using electron-webpack

I wrote a native module in c++ using the v8.h headers and I want to import it in my electron app.

The module works fine. I compile it in it's own folder, then I copy-paste the .node into this boilerplate https://github.com/szwacz/electron-boilerplate and I require it using the bindings package.

I would like to use this https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-webpack-quick-start as a starting point to build my electron application. Mainly for two reasons: it is the recommended way and it promises to package your app for macos, linux and windows. I copied the folder containing the source code inside the root folder of the project, I added the bindings.gyp file and "nodeGypRebuild": "true", to the package.json in the root folder. The module is compiled with yarn install but if I try to import it import {Module} from 'MyModule' in src/main/index.js and run yarn dev the output is

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'MyModule' in '/Users/BiA/Src/WebPack/src/main'

While googling the problem I landed here https://github.com/chentsulin/electron-react-boilerplate/wiki/Module-Structure----Two-package.json-Structure and now I am even more confused, since there is no app/ folder in electron-webpack-quick-start

Can someone help me finding a way to exit from this dead end? Does it exist a documentation that covers this case? Even a working example, like an open source project where I can lear to do this would help.

edit: to better understand the problem I created a simple git repository: https://github.com/BiancoA/electron-webpack-quick-start-nm


  • I found a solution to the problem using yarn link: https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/cli/link/

    here I saved the working project: https://github.com/BiancoA/electron-webpack-quick-start-nm

    If there are other possible ways, I'll be happy to learn them