How can I change the window title (i.e. text displayed on the browser tab) from within an App Maker app?
I've tried the following with a button onClick ...
document.title = 'Hello';
window.parent.document.title = 'Hello2';
window.document.title = 'Hello3';
I can retrieve those within the console after setting them, but nothing changes the browser tab text.
If App Script doesn't allow to do something explicitly, then most likely it is forbidden. App Script nests web apps within multiple sandboxed iframes and overrides most built-in browser objects. I had a quick look at API reference and haven't found any API to manipulate page title in runtime. The only way to set tile I found in their API is this function:
It sets title to the output html that is sent to client. You can achieve the same result in App Maker by simple renaming your app.