
Is it possible to emulate or run android on a TI-NSPIRE

My friend showed me a video of someone emulating android on a TI-NSPIRE CX CAS with an internet browser. I researched it, but I cannot tell if what I am hearing is fake or not. I did find out however that TI-Nspire's have the capability to access the internet but only with a yellow attach-on to the top of the calculator called 'Navigator Wireless Network Adapters' (which is very expensive). So, i was wondering how was someone able to access the internet/run android (without the attach-on) or was the video a fake. Either way, is it possible to run android on a calculator. I've heard of crazy things being done with Nspire's like switching OS, playing GBA games, and more, but this is a step further (if it's real). I have a TI-Nspire CX CAS so if it's possible can someone start me off on how to do this (if possible). I appreciate any effort, so thanks in advance.


  • I haven't done this, and I don't recommend anyone else to, but this how you would:

    As @fragg stated, it's not emulating - you can run android natively on a CPU.

    Step 1: "Jailbreak" your calculator

    Step 2: Format the USB drive correctly (You only need 2 partitions as ext4)

    Step 3: Download android files at:

    Step 4: Install TiLP and create directories (should've been instaled at sometime during step 1)

    Step 5: Extract system to USB drive sudo tar -xpf System.tar.gz sudo rm System.tar.gz

    Step 6: Starting it up: unpulg usb drive and start startndroid.ll2.tns (from your computer)

    Step 7: Boot up and finish (may take a while)
