As the title says, i am trying to create a vm on opennebula with the python api. (this is my first time working with one and i have zero clue of anythings, so plz be not too hard with me)
import oca
client = oca.Client('username:passwd', 'ip:2633/RPC2')
oca.VirtualMachine.allocate(client, 'test')
#'test' is the name of the template i want to use
it gives me this error:
oca.exceptions.OpenNebulaException: [VirtualMachineAllocate] Error allocating a new virtual machine. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting EQUAL or EQUAL_EMPTY at line 1, columns 1:5
anyone an idea how to fix this? thanks in advance.
ok.. i am stupid and have searched only after 4h trying in the right place --> the git repository and the 'issues' tab.
vm_templ = oca.VmTemplatePool(client)
for templ in vm_templ:
if == "Ubuntu 14.04 - KVM":
that is a way you can create a vm of an existing template via python. (the connection part is missing, but that is trivial).
i don't delete this question, perhaps somebody out there will have a hard time too with this.