
Generating HTML report of testcases results in SoapUI

I have an testsuite of API testing in SOAP UI.

I want an HTML report of testcases results. I am using basic SOAP UI version. Give me a solution apart from SOAP UI Pro.


  • Yes, it is possible to generate Junit Style HTML reports using SoapUI Opensource Edition as well.

    All you need to do is the execution of tests has to be done

    Here is the sample build script(build.xml):

    Note that modify the SOAPUI_HOME(or define environment variable), soapui project file path, results directory path according to your environment.

    <project basedir="." default="testreport" name="ant script for testing soapui project">
       <property environment="env"/>
       <property name="soapui.project" value="/app/demo-soapui-project.xml"/>
       <property name="results.dir" value="/tmp/results"/>
       <property name="reports.dir" value="${results.dir}/Reports"/>
       <property name="html.dir" value="${reports.dir}/html"/>
       <target name="execute.project">
         <exec dir="${env.SOAPUI_HOME}" executable="">
            <arg line="-raj -f ${results.dir} ${soapui.project}" />
       <target name="testreport" depends="execute.project">
        <mkdir dir="${reports.dir}"/>
              <junitreport todir="${reports.dir}">
                <fileset dir="${results.dir}">
                   <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
                <report format="frames" todir="${html.dir}" />

    and execute following command (run soapui project and generate report):


    There is also simple way (i.e., every thing configured and readily available envrionment) if you are willing to use this docker image.

    Short video also available there on how to.