I want to use the python package pyrouge
on Microsoft Windows. The package doesn't give any instructions on how to install it on Microsoft Windows. How can I do so?
The following instructions were tested on Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate and python 3.5 x64 (Anaconda).
In the cmd.exe
, run
pip install pyrouge
Download ROUGE-1.5.5
. You may download it from https://github.com/andersjo/pyrouge/tree/master/tools/ROUGE-1.5.5
comes with a python script named pyrouge_set_rouge_path
(it has no file extension for some reason), which you need to run in order to point pyrouge
to the directory where ROUGE-1.5.5
is located. You need to locate pyrouge_set_rouge_path
, which is typically in the python Scripts
Run the following command from cmd.exe
, appropriately replacing the directories for pyrouge_set_rouge_path
and ROUGE-1.5.5
python C:\Anaconda\envs\py35\Scripts\pyrouge_set_rouge_path C:\pyrouge-master\tools\ROUGE-1.5.5
should now be able to initialize a Rouge155
object. You can run the following python script, it should give no error:
from pyrouge import Rouge155 r = Rouge155()
If you don't have perl.exe
, you need to install it (because pyrouge is just a wrapper around the original ROUGE script, which is written in Perl)You can install http://strawberryperl.com
Make sure the perl.exe
binary is in your Path
system environment variable, e.g. using which perl
To add perl in your Path
system environment variable:
Lastly, to avoid this kind of error:
One way is to copy C:\Strawberry\c\bin\*.dll
to C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\*.dll
To prevent the following error message when running pyrouge
Cannot open exception db file for reading: C:\Anaconda\pyrouge-master\tools\ROUGE-1.5.5\data/WordNet-2.0.exc.db
You should remove \RELEASE-1.5.5\data\WordNet-2.0.exc.db
, then from cmd.exe
cd RELEASE-1.5.5\data\
perl WordNet-2.0-Exceptions/buildExeptionDB.pl ./WordNet-2.0-Exceptions ./smart_common_words.txt ./WordNet-2.0.exc.db
Open C:\Anaconda\envs\py35\Lib\site-packages\pyrouge\Rouge155.py
(or wherever you installed pyrouge
), go to the function def evaluate(self, system_id=1, rouge_args=None)
(it's at line 319 at the time I am writing this answer), and add command.insert(0, 'perl ')
right before self.log.info("Running ROUGE with command {}".format(" ".join(command)))
. (If you don't do it, you'll get OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application
, which is the same error message as what you would get for if you don't do some of the previous steps).
At that point pyrouge
should work fine. Don't try to run python -m pyrouge.test
, it is buggy. Instead, you can test it as follows:
some_folder: │ rouge.py │ ├───model_summaries │ text.A.001.txt │ └───system_summaries text.001.txt
from pyrouge import Rouge155
r = Rouge155()
r.system_dir = 'system_summaries'
r.model_dir = 'model_summaries'
r.system_filename_pattern = 'text.(\d+).txt'
r.model_filename_pattern = 'text.[A-Z].#ID#.txt'
output = r.convert_and_evaluate()
output_dict = r.output_to_dict(output)
preprocess my summaries, then run ROUGE
I only want to preprocess my summaries and then run ROUGE on my own
Output when running rouge.py
2017-10-31 21:55:37,239 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Writing summaries.
2017-10-31 21:55:37,249 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Processing summaries. Saving system files to C:\Users\Francky\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpmh72hoxa\system and model files to C:\Users\Francky\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpmh72hoxa\model.
2017-10-31 21:55:37,249 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Processing files in system_summaries.
2017-10-31 21:55:37,249 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Processing text.001.txt.
2017-10-31 21:55:37,249 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Saved processed files to C:\Users\Francky\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpmh72hoxa\system.
2017-10-31 21:55:37,249 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Processing files in model_summaries.
2017-10-31 21:55:37,249 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Processing text.A.001.txt.
2017-10-31 21:55:37,249 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Saved processed files to C:\Users\Francky\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpmh72hoxa\model.
2017-10-31 21:55:37,249 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Written ROUGE configuration to C:\Users\Francky\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpgx71qygq\rouge_conf.xml
2017-10-31 21:55:37,249 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Running ROUGE with command perl C:\Anaconda\pyrouge-master\tools\ROUGE-1.5.5\ROUGE-1.5.5.pl -e C:\Anaconda\pyrouge-master\tools\ROUGE-1.5.5\data -c 95 -2 -1 -U -r 1000 -n 4 -w 1.2 -a -m C:\Users\Francky\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpgx71qygq\rouge_conf.xml
command: ['C:\\Anaconda\\pyrouge-master\\tools\\ROUGE-1.5.5\\ROUGE-1.5.5.pl', '-e', 'C:\\Anaconda\\pyrouge-master\\tools\\ROUGE-1.5.5\\data', '-c', '95', '-2', '-1', '-U', '-r', '1000', '-n', '4', '-w', '1.2', '-a', '-m', 'C:\\Users\\Francky\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpgx71qygq\\rouge_conf.xml']
1 ROUGE-1 Average_R: 1.00000 (95%-conf.int. 1.00000 - 1.00000)
1 ROUGE-1 Average_P: 0.42857 (95%-conf.int. 0.42857 - 0.42857)
1 ROUGE-1 Average_F: 0.60000 (95%-conf.int. 0.60000 - 0.60000)
1 ROUGE-2 Average_R: 0.80000 (95%-conf.int. 0.80000 - 0.80000)
1 ROUGE-2 Average_P: 0.30769 (95%-conf.int. 0.30769 - 0.30769)
1 ROUGE-2 Average_F: 0.44444 (95%-conf.int. 0.44444 - 0.44444)
1 ROUGE-3 Average_R: 0.50000 (95%-conf.int. 0.50000 - 0.50000)
1 ROUGE-3 Average_P: 0.16667 (95%-conf.int. 0.16667 - 0.16667)
1 ROUGE-3 Average_F: 0.25000 (95%-conf.int. 0.25000 - 0.25000)
1 ROUGE-4 Average_R: 0.00000 (95%-conf.int. 0.00000 - 0.00000)
1 ROUGE-4 Average_P: 0.00000 (95%-conf.int. 0.00000 - 0.00000)
1 ROUGE-4 Average_F: 0.00000 (95%-conf.int. 0.00000 - 0.00000)
1 ROUGE-L Average_R: 1.00000 (95%-conf.int. 1.00000 - 1.00000)
1 ROUGE-L Average_P: 0.42857 (95%-conf.int. 0.42857 - 0.42857)
1 ROUGE-L Average_F: 0.60000 (95%-conf.int. 0.60000 - 0.60000)
1 ROUGE-W-1.2 Average_R: 0.69883 (95%-conf.int. 0.69883 - 0.69883)
1 ROUGE-W-1.2 Average_P: 0.42857 (95%-conf.int. 0.42857 - 0.42857)
1 ROUGE-W-1.2 Average_F: 0.53131 (95%-conf.int. 0.53131 - 0.53131)
1 ROUGE-S* Average_R: 1.00000 (95%-conf.int. 1.00000 - 1.00000)
1 ROUGE-S* Average_P: 0.16484 (95%-conf.int. 0.16484 - 0.16484)
1 ROUGE-S* Average_F: 0.28303 (95%-conf.int. 0.28303 - 0.28303)
1 ROUGE-SU* Average_R: 1.00000 (95%-conf.int. 1.00000 - 1.00000)
1 ROUGE-SU* Average_P: 0.19231 (95%-conf.int. 0.19231 - 0.19231)
1 ROUGE-SU* Average_F: 0.32258 (95%-conf.int. 0.32258 - 0.32258)
If you don't perform step 3, running from pyrouge import Rouge155; r = Rouge155()
will get the following error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Franck\Documents\rouge.py", line 8, in <module>
r = Rouge155()
File "C:\Anaconda\envs\py35\lib\site-packages\pyrouge\Rouge155.py", line 88, in __init__
File "C:\Anaconda\envs\py35\lib\site-packages\pyrouge\Rouge155.py", line 402, in __set_rouge_dir
self._home_dir = self.__get_rouge_home_dir_from_settings()
File "C:\Anaconda\envs\py35\lib\site-packages\pyrouge\Rouge155.py", line 416, in __get_rouge_home_dir_from_settings
with open(self._settings_file) as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\Franck\\AppData\\Roaming\\pyrouge\\settings.ini'
Note: Google Research's Python lib to compute Rouge is much easier to use: https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/rouge
To install:
pip install rouge-score
Example from their readme:
from rouge_score import rouge_scorer
scorer = rouge_scorer.RougeScorer(['rouge1', 'rougeL'], use_stemmer=True)
scores = scorer.score('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog',
'The quick brown dog jumps on the log.')
It worked smoothly on my Windows 10 with Python 3.9.16 (without Perl installed).
Longer example:
import pprint
from rouge_score import rouge_scorer
scorer = rouge_scorer.RougeScorer(['rouge1', 'rouge2','rouge3','rougeL'], use_stemmer=True)
string1 = 'The quick brown fox jumps this is a test on the dog'
string2 = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
scores = scorer.score(string1, string2)
# If reversing the strings:
scores = scorer.score(string2, string1)
# To select just one score:
{'rouge1': Score(precision=0.7777777777777778, recall=0.5833333333333334, fmeasure=0.6666666666666666),
'rouge2': Score(precision=0.5, recall=0.36363636363636365, fmeasure=0.4210526315789474),
'rouge3': Score(precision=0.42857142857142855, recall=0.3, fmeasure=0.3529411764705882),
'rougeL': Score(precision=0.7777777777777778, recall=0.5833333333333334, fmeasure=0.6666666666666666)}
{'rouge1': Score(precision=0.5833333333333334, recall=0.7777777777777778, fmeasure=0.6666666666666666),
'rouge2': Score(precision=0.36363636363636365, recall=0.5, fmeasure=0.4210526315789474),
'rouge3': Score(precision=0.3, recall=0.42857142857142855, fmeasure=0.3529411764705882),
'rougeL': Score(precision=0.5833333333333334, recall=0.7777777777777778, fmeasure=0.6666666666666666)}