
How to use es6 template literal as Angular Component Input

In my Angular 4 application, I have a component which takes a string input:

<app-my-component [myInput]="'some string value'"></app-my-component>

In some cases I need to pass a variable inside the string, for example:

<app-my-component [myInput]="'My name is ' + name + '!'"></app-my-component>

it would be nice if I could use es6 template literals (aka template strings or back-tick strings):

<app-my-component [myInput]="`My name is ${name}!`"></app-my-component>

but it doesn't work:

Uncaught Error: Template parse errors: Parser Error: Unexpected token Lexer Error: Unexpected character [`] at column 1 in expression

What's the correct way to accomplish it?


  • ES6 Template literals (Template strings) cannot be used inside an Angular component input, because the Angular compiler doesn't know this grammar.

    The way that you provided is fine.

    <app-my-component [myInput]="'My name is ' + name + '!'"></app-my-component>

    Or something like this,

    In the component,

    // In the component, you can use ES6 template literal
    name: string;
    input: string;
    ngOnInit() { = 'Dinindu';
      this.input = `My name is ${}!`;

    In the HTML,

    <app-my-component [myInput]="input"></app-my-component>

    Also can use it as this way. Its really close to template literal,

    <app-my-component myInput="My name is {{name}}"></app-my-component>