I need help with switching between CFormViews
in my MFC SDI C++ project. I have been digging for a long time, and can't figure out why my code isn't working. Through searching the internet (and this site included) I came across several tutorials for switching forms by adding two functions to MainFrm.cpp (a CMainFrame
object that inherits from CFrameWnd
). One of them is passed an id of the form I want to switch to, then gets a pointer to the active view, and runs some other code from there. However, GetActiveView()
always returns a NULL
pointer value. I know there's an active view because I'm clicking a button from an active form. My code is below. This is just the function I'm referring to. It resides in MainFrm.cpp (the default window file created when you start a new MFC project).
So far I've tried the code from the Microsoft Knowledge Base that talks about How to Get Current CDocument
or CView
from Anywhere, I tried to get the active frame first, then called GetActiveView
from CFrameWnd
, and I tried the code below. All to no avail. I clearly do not know enough about MFC to figure anything out. If you need more information from me, please ask. I probably didn't mention everything I should have. I chose to do MFC for a school project, and can't proceed to create a UML or writing any other code until I know that I can get these forms to work.
void CMainFrame::SelectView(UINT ViewID)
// If the view the user selected is already displaying, do nothing
if (ViewID == m_CurrentView)
// Get a pointer to the current view
CView* pCurrentView = GetActiveView();
// We are about to change the view, so we need a pointer to the runtime class
CRuntimeClass* pNewView = NULL; // Added = NULL because it wouldn't allow program to be run without initialization of pNewView
// We will process a form
// First, let's change the identifier of the current view to our integer
::SetWindowLong(pCurrentView->m_hWnd, GWL_ID, m_CurrentView);
// Now we will identify what form the user selected
switch (ViewID)
pNewView = RUNTIME_CLASS(CChooseItemView);
pNewView = RUNTIME_CLASS(CItemInformationView);
// We will deal with the frame
CCreateContext crtContext;
// We have a new view now. So we initialize the context
crtContext.m_pNewViewClass = pNewView;
// No need to change the document. We keep the current document
crtContext.m_pCurrentDoc = GetActiveDocument();
CView* pNewViewer = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CView, CreateView(&crtContext));
// Now we can create a new view and get rid of the previous one
if (pNewViewer != NULL)
m_CurrentView = ViewID;
To get the a non active View but associated CView from CDocument, you can implement this schema in Doc
// ----- GetCChooseItemView() -- -Search the first associated CView in INACTIVE Views too ! ------
CView* CMyDoc::GetCChooseItemView(void)
CRuntimeClass* prt = RUNTIME_CLASS(CChooseItemView);
CView* pView = NULL;
// Continue search in inactive View by T(o)m
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
while (pos != NULL)
pView = GetNextView(pos);
if (pView->GetRuntimeClass() == prt)
if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CChooseItemView)))
pView = NULL; // not valid vie
return static_cast<CChooseItemView*>(pView);
then add in your SelectView Code
void CMainFrame::SelectView(UINT ViewID)
: (code as before)
// Get a pointer to the current view
CView* pCurrentView = GetActiveView();
// Get a pointer to the current view
CView* pCurrentView = GetActiveView();
if (pCurrentView == NULL
CMyDoc* pDoc = static_cast<CMyDoc*>(GetActiveDocument());
if (pDoc)
pCurrentView = pDoc->GetChhoseItemView();
if (pCurrentView == NULL)
mpCurrentView = pDoc->GetCItemInformationView() // let as exercise for the OP
if (pCurrentView == NULL
DebugBreak(); // Errror No View found..
: (code as befeore)