
Codename one gui builder does not work

I am trying to use code name one new GUI designer tool. Version - Codename one GUI builder 3.7.3 Eclipse - Used Oxygen and Mars both. Java - tried 7 and 8 both.

My problem is i cannot add any containers or any component to the design area. Once i add one it suddenly disappear. ( Simply cannot create any UI) I cannot change the layout even.Always it shows Layered layout and cannot change.

I have created a java 7 as well as java 8 code name projects but nothing works.

I followed - According to tutorial Figure 14. The features of the main toolbar In my editor i don't see 'Component tree icon'.

Also i cannot generate codes such as //-- DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE!!! private void initGuiBuilderComponents(com.codename1.ui.util.Resources resourceObjectInstance) { } //-- DON'T EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE!!! } Do i miss anything ?


  • We don't support Java 7 so make sure your JDK is a Java 8 JDK and the one eclipse is running on top is a Java 8+ JDK.

    Make sure you created the GUI component under a package and didn't refactor it after the fact. You can also read about debugging and tracking issues in the designer/gui builder in this article.