currently QTextEdit
and QPlainTextEdit
does not meet my requirements, so I need to subclass QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
to provide custom layout of the document. I reference QPlainTextDocumentLayout
and QTextDocumentLayout
a lot, and finally got a simple layout to display the text. However, I couldn't see the cursor in QTextEdit
, which should be blinking. I need help to figure this out.
I am using Qt 5.9.1. The simple project is here. The draw()
function of VTextDocumentLayout
looks like this:
void VTextDocumentLayout::draw(QPainter *p_painter, const PaintContext &p_context)
qDebug() << "VTextDocumentLayout draw()" << p_context.clip << p_context.cursorPosition << p_context.selections.size();
// Find out the blocks.
int first, last;
blockRangeFromRect(p_context.clip, first, last);
if (first == -1) {
QTextDocument *doc = document();
QPointF offset(m_margin, m_blocks[first].m_offset);
QTextBlock block = doc->findBlockByNumber(first);
QTextBlock lastBlock = doc->findBlockByNumber(last);
qreal maximumWidth = m_width;
while (block.isValid()) {
const BlockInfo &info = m_blocks[block.blockNumber()];
const QRectF &rect = info.m_rect;
QTextLayout *layout = block.layout();
if (!block.isVisible()) {
offset.ry() += rect.height();
if (block == lastBlock) {
block =;
QTextBlockFormat blockFormat = block.blockFormat();
QBrush bg = blockFormat.background();
if (bg != Qt::NoBrush) {
fillBackground(p_painter, rect, bg);
auto selections = formatRangeFromSelection(block, p_context.selections);
QPen oldPen = p_painter->pen();
p_context.clip.isValid() ? p_context.clip : QRectF());
// Draw the cursor.
int blpos = block.position();
int bllen = block.length();
bool drawCursor = p_context.cursorPosition >= blpos
&& p_context.cursorPosition < blpos + bllen;
Q_ASSERT(p_context.cursorPosition >= -1);
if (drawCursor) {
int cpos = p_context.cursorPosition;
cpos -= blpos;
qDebug() << "draw cursor" << block.blockNumber() << blpos << bllen << p_context.cursorPosition << cpos;
layout->drawCursor(p_painter, offset, cpos);
offset.ry() += rect.height();
if (block == lastBlock) {
block =;
I called layout->drawCursor()
to draw the cursor but this function seems to do nothing.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
Update: Add the log as following:
VTextDocumentLayout draw() QRectF(67,0 9x13) 19 0
block range 0 1
draw cursor 1 5 15 19 14
blockBoundingRect() 1 13 QRectF(0,0 75x17)
VTextDocumentLayout draw() QRectF(67,0 9x13) -1 0
block range 0 1
blockBoundingRect() 1 13 QRectF(0,0 75x17)
VTextDocumentLayout draw() QRectF(67,0 9x13) 19 0
When running this project in Linux, I coundn't see the cursor. However, when running it in Windows, I could see the cursor but not blinking.
It seems that QTextEdit
pass a wrong clip rect to the layout. If I just inserted one line of text (only one block within the document), I could see the blinking cursor. Quite strange!!!
When subclassing QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
, blockBoundingRect()
should return the geometry of the block, not just the rect as what QPlainTextDocumentLayout
In one word, QPlainTextDocumentLayout
provides a BAD example for subsclassing QAbstractTextDocumentLayout