I´m trying to connect to the API of emarsys. They use X-WSSE as authentification method and i´m stuck and need to figure out what i am doing wrong. I tried to make the header as requested, but i don´t know where it went wrong. I´m very thankful for your comments!
# prepare userdata
username <- "customer001"
secretkey <- "supersecretkey"
timestamp <- format(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time(), "UTC"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
nonce <- digest(random(8), length=16)
# passworddigest
pwd <- paste0(nonce, timestamp, secretkey)
pwd <- digest::sha1(pwd, algo="sha1", serialize=FALSE)
pwd <- jsonlite::base64_enc(charToRaw(pwd))
URL_base <- "https://api.emarsys.net/api/v2/"
URL_endpoint <- "contact/settings"
URL <- paste0(URL_base,URL_endpoint)
# create header
header <- c(paste0('UsernameToken ',
'Username="', username, '", ',
'PasswordDigest="', pwd,'", ',
'Nonce="', nonce, '", ',
'Created="', timestamp,'"'))
# name header
names(header) <- 'X-WSSE:'
# make httr request
response <- GET(URL, add_headers(.headers = header))
The http-header should look like this:
X-WSSE: UsernameToken Username="customer001", PasswordDigest="ZmI2ZmQ0MDIxYmQwNjcxNDkxY2RjNDNiMWExNjFkZA==", Nonce="d36e3162829ed4c89851497a717f", Created="2014-03-20T12:51:45Z"
But i don´t know where i can find out, how the request from my httr-code looks and what i do different.
"digest::sha1(pwd, algo="sha1", serialize=FALSE)"
has to be digest(pwd, algo="sha1", serialize=FALSE)
. Then it works.
This is kind of a comment but I can't get formatting the way it needs to be there for clarity so here it is. SO pedants can feel free to downvote this if so moved:
First, add a verbose()
parameter to the GET()
call to see if what you're passing is what you think it should be. I'm betting the issue is the :
in the 'X-WSSEP:'
value you are assigning. I also find it much easier to use named parameters to the add_headers()
call so perhaps try:
url = URL,
add_headers(`X-WSSE` = header),
to see if that clears this up or at least gets you a bit further.
Also: once your issues are solved and you get the access you want, consider making a pkg for the Emarsys API. If you've not made packages before it cld be a ++gd learning experience and either way it may help others.