
Expose specific element in ShadowDom to external JS using document.getElementById

I have a v0/Polymer 1 web component that I am upgrading to v1/Polymer 2. This web component dynamically builds a URI that loads an external JavaScript file. The external JavaScript file runs and loads an <iframe> into a <div> of my component. This external JS contains document.getElementById to load the <iframe> into the specified <div>.

I have searched and haven't found a way to force the <div> element to be exposed/placed in the shady DOM. I have read that if I design the component without a shadow DOM nothing will be displayed.

Is there anyway I can update this to web components v1/Polymer 2 with the external script (third party) still using document.getElementbyId to modify a <div> inside the web component?

UPDATE I have found that I can force webcomponents to use the shadow dom using <script>window.ShadyDOM = { force: true };</script> or <script src="/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js" shadydom></script> however I still cannot access the element by ID and I do not want to force all other webcomponents to use the shady DOM. Still looking for possibilities.


  • What I had to do was put a <slot></slot> inside my Web Components template. When I declare the custom element, I have to nest a <div> inside of it like so: <custom-element><div></div></custom-element> which I am doing using this.appendChild() where this is the custom element. The <div> inside my element can now be accessed by document.getElementById() once it is assigned an id attribute.