I try to add the release-date tag to an mp3 file using eyed3 in python. It works fine for the tags "artist" and "date". It is not working for "release-date":
`audiofile.tag.release-date = dateToTag`
throws the error:
SyntaxError: can't assign to operator
This is my setup:
`audiofile = eyed3.load(os.path.join("../mockDirectory", file))
audiofile.tag.artist = u"Artist"
audiofile.tag.year = year
audiofile.tag.release-date = dateToTag`
The value of dateToTag is 2017-10-27, formatted according to the documentation page 30: yyyy-mm-dd. Why is the date format throwing a syntax error?
You get the syntax error because '-' isn't allowed in python identifiers. Python parses is as an operation "audiofile.tag.release (minus) date".
Try to replace - with an underscore like:
audiofile.tag.release_date = dateToTag