
istream::getline return type

What does the istream::getline method return?

I am asking because I have seen that to loop through a file, it should be done like this:

while ( file.getline( char*, int ) )
    // handle input

What is being returned?


  • It returns a stream so that we can chain the operation.

    But when you use an object in a boolean context the compiler looks for an conversion operator that can convert it into a type that can be used in the boolean context.


    In this case stream has explicit operator bool() const. When called it checks the error flags. If either failbit or badbit are set then it returns false otherwise it returns true.


    In this case stream has operator void*() const. As this results in a pointer it can be used in a boolean context. When called it checks the error flags. If either failbit or badbit are set then it returns NULL which is equivalent to FALSE otherwise it returns a pointer to self (or something else valid though you should not use this fact)).


    So you can use a stream in any context that would require a boolean test:

    if (stream >> x)
        /* do Stuff */

    Note: It is bad idea to test the stream on the outside and then read/write to it inside the body of the conditional/loop statement. This is because the act of reading may make the stream bad. It is usually better to do the read as part of the test.

    while(std::getline(stream, line))
        // The read worked and line is valid.