
Click on one div and make Angular template open in another

I want to be able to click on the anchor in the #leftDiv and make the UI router template open in the #rightDiv. So, when I click on Hello Plunker 1 in the #leftDiv, I want peopleOne.html to open in the #rightDiv. When I click on Hello Plunker 2, I want peopleTwo.html to replace peopleOne.html in the #rightDiv.

Here is a Plunker -

Can someone provide insight into why this is not working.


var Delivery = angular.module('Delivery', ['ui.router']);


.config(function($stateProvider, $locationProvider) {


        .state('home', {
            url: '/Delivery',
            views: {
                'view': {
                            templateUrl: 'Delivery.html',

        .state('peopleOne', {
                url: '/peopleOne',
                parent: 'home',
                views: {
                    'view@': {
                    templateUrl: 'peopleOne.html'

        .state('peopleTwo', {
                url: '/peopleTwo',
                parent: 'home',
                views: {
                    'view@': {
                    templateUrl: 'peopleTwo.html'


  • A few problems I've noticed:

    First, put a console.log after the $stateProvider configuration calls to setup your routes. You will see that this code is never even called. Your angular app is not quite set up properly. You are using dat-ng-app in the index template, when you should be using ng-app. Otherwise angular is never actually used.

    The next issue is in your $stateProvider configuration. I am not sure which documentation you are following, but your configurations for the states should look something like this:

        # Set the default state
        # Configures home, peopleOne, and peopleTwo states
            .state('home', {
              url: '/home',
              templateUrl: 'home.html'
            .state('peopleOne', {
              url: '/peopleOne',
              templateUrl: 'peopleOne.html',
              parent: 'home'
            .state('peopleTwo', {
              url: '/peopleTwo',
              templateUrl: 'peopleTwo.html',
              parent: 'home'

    Finally, when actually creating the links in your template, I find it easier to use the ui-sref tag, which allows you to create a link based on a state name. So a link to the peopleOne state would look like this: <a ui-sref="peopleOne"></a>.

    I've attached a plunker based off your original code