
Django custom for complex Func (sql function)

In the process of finding a solution for Django ORM order by exact, I created a custom django Func:

from django.db.models import Func

class Position(Func):
    function = 'POSITION'
    template = "%(function)s(LOWER('%(substring)s') in LOWER(%(expressions)s))"
    template_sqlite = "instr(lower(%(expressions)s), lower('%(substring)s'))"

    def __init__(self, expression, substring):
        super(Position, self).__init__(expression, substring=substring)

    def as_sqlite(self, compiler, connection):
        return self.as_sql(compiler, connection, template=self.template_sqlite)

which works as follows:

class A(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=30)

data = ['Port 2', 'port 1', 'A port', 'Bport', 'Endport']
for title in data:

search = 'port'
qs = A.objects.filter(
        pos=Position('title', search)
    ).order_by('pos').values_list('title', flat=True)
# result is
# ['Port 2', 'port 1', 'Bport', 'A port', 'Endport'] 

But as @hynekcer commented:

"It crashes easily by ') in '') from myapp_suburb; drop ... expected that the name of the app is "myapp and autocommit is enabled."

The main problem is that extra data (substring) got into the template without sqlescape which leaves the app vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.

I cannot find which is the Django way to protect from that.

I created a repo (djposfunc) where you can test any solution.


  • TL;DR: All examples with Func() in Django docs can be easily used to safely implement other similar SQL functions with one argument. All builtin Django database fuctions and conditional functions that are descendants of Func() are also safe by design. Application beyond this limit needs comment.

    The class Func() is the most general part of Django Query expressions. It allows to implement almost any function or operator into Django ORM some way. It is like a Swiss Army knife, very universal, but one must be little more attentive to not cut himself, than with a specialized tool (like an electric cutter with optical barrier). It is still much more secure then to forge an own tool by hammer from piece of iron, if once an "upgraded" "secure" pocket knife does not fit into pocket.

    Security notes

    Notes not related to security