Trying to use the snippet at Kotlin
site under HTML Builder
tap, so I wrote the below:
val tbl = createHTML().table {
for ((num, string) in data) {
tr {
td { +"$num" }
td { +string }
but the IDE is underlying the tbl
with error as below:
What mistake I;m doing here?
produces a String, which cannot be passed to appendChild()
. You should instead use
val tbl = document.create.table {
which produces an HTMLElement (which is a Node) or simply skip the variable.
document.getElementById("container")!!.append.table {
is best used with server
where you create something like:
val html = createHTML().html {
body {
form(action = "/login", encType = FormEncType.applicationXWwwFormUrlEncoded, method = {
p {
textInput(name = "user") {
value = principal?.name ?: ""
p {
passwordInput(name = "pass")
p {
submitInput() { value = "Login" }
Then send it to the browser using:
call.respondText(html, ContentType.Text.Html)