
Using amazon oAuth for alexa skill fails to link the skill. Anything specific to be done for India?

The Amazon skill was set up with login with Amazon for oAuth, after successful login into Amazon, the Alexa app throws up and error saying "an error occurred while attempting to link Alexa with . Please try again later" Are there any other configurations that I might be missing? Alexa was launched in India very recently. Anything specific that needs to be done for this region?

Link to the skill configuration

Link to LWA configuration


  • The issue was in the skill configuration. In the current release of the smart home skills API, Amazon provides developers with an inbound endpoint on Alexa. This allows developers to send asynchronous messages to the Alexa service.

    This requires region-specific lambda functions and an authorization framework set-up by the developer. documentation on sending events to the Event Gateway is here. As far as I could find out, this is not yet enabled in India- only EU and the US

    In the screenshot attached to the question, you can barely see this enabled under the "Permissions" section.