I want to render a particular component dynamically so define it as async component like this:
Vue.component('AsyncComponent', function (resolve) {
require(['./components/async-component.vue'], resolve)
But getting this error
Error: Loading chunk 0 failed. at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptComplete (app.js:99)
So the major problem is that the chunk file's path is not specified any where, the throw 404 error, is there any webpack configuration also, that I need to specify.Thank you in advance.
You can just use a dynamic import
const AsyncComponent = () => import ('./components/async-component.vue');
Then to register it globally:
Vue.component('AsyncComponent', AsyncComponent);
or simply:
Vue.component('AsyncComponent', () => import('./components/async-component.vue');
Although this will not work if you are using vue-loader 13
or above unless you set the esModule option to false
. see Release Notes