I wrote a number of bash scripts that greatly simplify the routine, but very tedious, file manipulation that my group does.
Unfortunately, most in my group cannot open a terminal, let alone run scripts with complex arguments.
Is there a way to nicely package a bash script into an executable (that accepts arguments) that runs nicely on multiple computer platforms?
I run Mac OS X, but many of my colleagues run Windows (which can run bash scripts via Cygwin, etc.). I am aware of Platypus, but is there an equivalent for Windows?
I do not know if it meets all of your requirements but I use makeself wich is really great to package things. It works with cygwin, so it might fill in your needs ^^
Basically, when you create a makeself archive, you give a script that will be executed when the archive is "launched". This script get all the parameters given to the archive (whatever you want) :
makeself.sh ${dir_to_archive} ${name_of_archive} ${description} ${startup_script}
When you run the auto-extractible archive, you do :
my_archive.run ${param1} ${param2} ${paramN}
It will uncompress your archive and run :
${startup_script} ${param1} ${param2} ${paramN}