
Can one use Clarity without Angular?

In recent years I've been mostly using Bootstrap3 for handling css and responsiveness, but a few weeks ago I stumbled on Clarity Project. The one thing I cannot understand is related to Angular Components that is commonly mentioned in documentation. Example could be found here. The later link mentions HTML-esque tags like <clr-dropdown>...</clr-dropdown> or <clr-icon>...</clr-icon>. Did I understood it correctly, that usage of such tags only makes sense when using Angular and they will be ignored otherwise?

I have no experience with Angular and I do not intend to learn it, but using these Clarity components in such fashion witjout Angular would be pretty awesome. Have anyone tried it? Does it even makes sense to do so? I haven't found answer in Documentation, so I would be grateful for an answer here.

Thanks in advance.


  • Clarity has CSS and Angular components. The CSS styling for any component is provided through the clarity-ui package, and the clarity-angular package has Angular implementations of some of the more complex components. For example, a CSS only datagrid is not possible so the Angular component is the only way to use the datagrid. However, if you wanted to use the datagrid CSS and build your own implementation of the datagrid you are free to do so. The documentation page shows the list of components that have an Angular (NG) component.

    To have the best Clarity experience today, you would need to use Angular for access to all of the components and implementations, otherwise you'll be on the hook to build the Javascript implementation for the complex behaviors that CSS can't support.