I've been trying to get WS to make a request to a json api. So far I am not able to get utf-8 to render correctly, documented here: Play Framework WS losing unicode chars from external api
I'm now trying to add charset to the http headers of the request. But, I don't seem to be able to do this. If I run the following:
val request = ws.url("http://myserver.org")
request.withHttpHeaders("charset" -> "utf-8")
println("request headers: " request.headers)
request.get().map { response =>
println("response headers: " + response.headers)
This will generate the following:
request headers: Map()
response headers: Map(Date -> Buffer(Tue, 07 Nov 2017 20:11:58 GMT), Server -> Buffer(Jetty(8.1.5.v20120716)), Content-Type -> Buffer(application/json), Cache-Control -> Buffer(private, must-revalidate, max-age=0), Content-Length -> Buffer(9822), X-Content-Type-Options -> Buffer(nosniff))
Can anyone diagnose what I'm doing wrong? why is the request header map empty? I've followed the conventions for according the 2.6 scala doc
It's quite simple.
The method withHttpHeaders
returns a new request
, that you're just discarding.
Try change your code like this:
val request = ws.url("http://myserver.org").withHttpHeaders("charset" -> "utf-8")