
Solving logic puzzle in Prolog

I am reading "Learn Prolog Now" and one of its exercises I haven't been able to solve myself is the following:

There is a street with three neighboring houses that all have a different color. They are red, blue, and green. People of different nationalities live in the different houses and they all have a different pet. Here are some more facts about them:

  • The Englishman lives in the red house.
  • The jaguar is the pet of the Spanish family.
  • The Japanese lives to the right of the snail keeper.
  • The snail keeper lives to the left of the blue house.

Who keeps the zebra?

Define a predicate zebra/1 that tells you the nationality of the owner of the zebra.

Hint: Think of a representation for the houses and the street. Code the four constraints in Prolog. member and sublist might be useful predicates.

Any ideas how to code it under Prolog? Thanks.


  • neigh(Left, Right, List) :- 
            List = [Left | [Right | _]];
            List = [_ | [Left | [Right]]].
    zebraowner(Houses, ZebraOwner):-
            member([englishman, _, red], Houses),
            member([spanish, jaguar, _], Houses),
            neigh([_, snail, _], [japanese, _, _], Houses),
            neigh([_, snail, _], [_, _, blue], Houses),
            member([ZebraOwner, zebra, _], Houses),
            member([_, _, green], Houses).
    zebra(X) :- zebraowner([_, _, _], X).