
Software that allows for "scoping" in CSS with encapsulating brackets

In the past I've used some software which does this, but I can't recall the name. I thought CSSTidy did it but I can't seem to recall how (if that was it).

Basically the way it worked is you could pass a CSS file like:


    .red {

        color: #FF0000;


    .blue {

        color: #00FF00;



And then it would return a CSS file like:

#foobar .red {

    color: #FF0000;


#foobar .blue {

    color: #00FF00;


That way I could dynamically encapsulate some CSS includes and ensure their CSS does not "break out" to some extent. ShadowDOM doesn't work for this because I want to cascade into this element. It's not intended to prevent malicious code, just simplify development.

I'm fairly certain it was server-side software and not a javascript library, though either would work.


  • Sass, Less, and other CSS preprocessors is what you're looking for!

    Here's a good article that compares some of the more popular options.