I've stucked on problem with refreshing pages. Example: base app opens and url is localhost:8000/dashboard
, then i go to users tab from menu or anywhere else and url is localhost:8000/users/list
. If i refresh page while on users then it will go to dashboard again reloading the whole page.
Backend is handling it properly, when i made a custom state and dont specify 'ng-admin' as parent it stays where it is just doing refresh, but when i add parent to state it is reloading the whole app again.
There is also html5mode enabled.
enabled: true,
requireBase: false
Entity is added as ng-admin docs specify:
app.config(['NgAdminConfigurationProvider', 'RestangularProvider', function(nga, RestangularProvider) {
var admin = nga.application('Admin') // application main title
.debug(false) // debug disabled
.baseApiUrl('/api/'); // main API endpoint
var users = nga.entity('users');
.title('Admin users')
.label('E-mail Address'),
nga.field('created', 'date')
nga.field('modified', 'date')
nga.field('active', 'boolean')
.label('Created by'),
The next block of code
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function (event, newUrl, oldUrl, newState, oldState) {
console.log('event:' , event);
console.log('newUrl:' , newUrl);
console.log('oldUrl:' , oldUrl);
console.log('newState:' , newState);
console.log('oldState:' , oldState);
it gives output when going to users from dashboard:
event: {name: "$stateChangeSuccess", targetScope: p, defaultPrevented: false, currentScope: p, preventDefault: ƒ}
newUrl: {url: "?{search:json}&{page:int}&sortField&sortDir", params: {…}, parent: "listLayout", views: {…}, name: "list"}
oldUrl: {entity: "users", search: {…}, page: 1, sortField: null, sortDir: null}
newState: {parent: "ng-admin", url: "/dashboard?sortField&sortDir", params: {…}, controller: "DashboardController", controllerAs: "dashboardController", …}
oldState: {sortField: null, sortDir: null}
And on refresh
event: {name: "$stateChangeSuccess", targetScope: p, defaultPrevented: false, currentScope: p, preventDefault: ƒ}
newUrl: {parent: "ng-admin", url: "/dashboard?sortField&sortDir", params: {…}, controller: "DashboardController", controllerAs: "dashboardController", …}
oldUrl: {sortField: null, sortDir: null}
newState: {url: "?{search:json}&{page:int}&sortField&sortDir", params: {…}, parent: "listLayout", views: {…}, name: "list"}
oldState: {entity: "users", search: {…}, page: 1, sortField: null, sortDir: null}
Any ideas appreciated.
Problem was that i have a mistake in header controller function that adds method to go to dashboard and it was called every time header is reinitializing. Maybe this will help someone.