I'm using bootstrap with bootstrap-toc (https://afeld.github.io/bootstrap-toc/)
Working with the following scenario:
http://jsbin.com/cerozeleya/edit?output (make sure to click "run with Js" to be able to see the sidebar)
As I scroll the view, I would like the sidebar to scroll until a point where the jumbotron is no longer in view. At that point, it should stay affixed while the content scrolls.
I can't get that behaviour to happen with the included jsbin. I tried messing with the data-offset-top/data-offset-bottom attributes within my nav #toc but nothing changes. I found another question here that instructed the following changes on the css:
.affix{ top: 0px;}
.affix-bottom{ position: absolute;}
But that didn't work either. I tried reading the affix and scrollspy documentation, but its either not clicking with me, or I'm not seeing what I'm doing wrong.
Any help appreciated. Thanks!
You have to use data offset top within the tag which you want to affixed
data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="197"
<nav id="toc" data-toggle="toc" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="197"></nav>
Edit the offset value according to your needs