
Ahoy events queries in rails

I started code rails recently and I need to figure out this problem.

  =  Ahoy::Event.where(name: "viewed_brochure").where_properties(brochure_id: brochure.id).select(:session_id).uniq

This should find number of distinct values of session_id in properties field but it doesn't work.

This line returns these and similar errors


  =  Ahoy::Event.select { |event| event.properties['session_id'] }.uniq.count

I tried this line but this time returns number of rows in table


  • You can try to group by jsonb key, in your case properties['session_id']

    Ahoy::Event.group("properties -> 'session_id'").count

    This will return the counts on which you can apply .size or you could do distinct.