
How to use i18n in a custom attribute on Aurelia?

I have the following custom attribute in Aurelia:

import { fireEvent } from '_utils/events'
import { autoinject, customAttribute, inject } from 'aurelia-framework'
import $ from 'jquery'
import { I18N } from 'aurelia-i18n'
import 'Modernizr'
import 'pickadate/lib/compressed/picker'
import 'pickadate/lib/compressed/picker.date'

export class DatePicker {
  // public i18N: I18N
  private usePickADate: boolean

  constructor (private element: Element, private i18n: I18N) {
    this.i18n = i18n
    this.usePickADate = !Modernizr.inputtypes.date
      weekdaysShort: ['Ss', 'Mm', 'Tt', 'Ww', 'Th', 'Ff', 'Ss'],
      showMonthsShort: true,
      format: i18n.tr('general.date-format')

  public attached () {
    if (this.usePickADate) {
        .on('change', (e: any) => {
          fireEvent(e.target, 'input')

  public detached () {
    if (this.usePickADate) {

Here I cannot use i18n to translate and localize. I get this error:

Inner Error: Message: Cannot read property 'tr' of undefined

What is the problem? How can I fix it?


  • You can inject dependencies in two ways in Aurelia, either by using @autoinject() or by using @inject().

    A simple case using @autoinject() would be:

    import { I18N } from "aurelia-i18n";
    import { autoinject } from "aurelia-framework";
    export class DatePicker {
      constructor (private element: Element, private i18n: I18N) { }

    If you do wish to use @inject() over @autoinject() for any reason at all, be sure to inject all dependencies, like so:

    import { I18N } from "aurelia-i18n";
    import { inject } from "aurelia-framework";
    @inject(Element, I18N)
    export class DatePicker {
      constructor (private element: Element, private i18n: I18N) { }

    You're using both in your question, which seems to mess things up.