CREATE table Book
book_title varchar (100) not null ,
book_genre char(60) not null,
Date_of_publish date not null,
user_code char(7) not null ,
book_id char (7) primary key not null ,
constraint writer__id_fk foreign key (writer_id),
constraint publisher__id_fk foreign key (publisher_id)
I'm getting
[ORA-00905: missing keyword]
in publisher table
CREATE table publisher
publisher_id char (7) primary key not null,
publisher_name char(20) not null,
publisher_number char(10) not null,
publisher_email varchar2(60) not null,
publisher_address varchar2(60) not null,
I'm getting
[ORA-00904: : invalid identifier]
Welcome to the wonderful world of SQL! :-)
General remark: Please tell us what kind of DBMS you're using. MySQL? SQL Server? Oracle? SQlite? Different systems use different kinds of syntaxes.
The problem seems to be in the FOREIGN KEY
Usually, you'll state something like:
CONSTRAINT [constraint_name] FOREIGN KEY([column_in_this_table]) REFERENCES OTHER_TABLE([column_in_other_table])
edit (added):
The [column_in_this_table]
has to exist in your DDL (CREATE TABLE
-statement), like so:
CREATE TABLE Book ( book_title ... etc., publisher_id INT, CONSTRAINT FK_publ_id FOREIGN KEY(publisher_id) REFERENCES publisher(publisher_id));
Here, you'll have a 'original' column called 'publisher_id', in the 'publisher'-table. You refer to it from within the 'Book'-table, by first having a 'publisher_id' column in the 'Book'-table (which should have the same DDL as the original column by the way). Next, you'll add a FOREIGN KEY
to the 'Book'-table, that is imposed on the Book(publisher_id) column. Note, that you could also name the column in your 'Book'-table differently -- like, say, 'Spongebob' or 'Patrick'. But for future use, you'd like naming conventions that tell what you might expect to find in a column. So you'd name columns for what they contain.
The problem is with the last portion of your statement, where there's a comma after the NOT NULL
portion for column publisher_address
(Part of) your statement:
publisher_address varchar2(60) not null, );
Try replacing that with:
publisher_address VARCHAR2(60) NOT NULL);
edit (note to self):
turns out to be a valid datatype in Oracle databases (see:
Oracle documentation)