
Apache doesn't start in AMPPS on Ubuntu

I'm trying to run the Ampps local server 3.8 on Ubuntu. Mysql works good but apache doen't run.

When I type


I get

/usr/local/ampps/apache/bin/httpd: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/ampps/apache/lib/libapr-1.so.0: undefined symbol: dlopen

How to solve?


  • I experienced a similar problem. Firstly you must check is there anything that uses 80 port. netstat terminal screenshot

    If any you kill that.

    Then you backup libapr and then install libs again. Run following commands:

    cd /usr/local/ampps/apache/lib
    sudo mkdir backup
    sudo mv ./libapr* ./backup/
    sudo apt-get -y install libaprutil1 libaprutil1-dev libapr1 libapr1-dev 

    and try run ampps.