
How do I create a dates table in Redshift?

tl;dr: I want to generate a dates table in Redshift in order to make a report easier to generate. Preferable without needing large tables already in redshift, needing to upload a csv file.

long version: I am working on a report where I have to average new items created per day of the week. The date range could span months or more, so there could be, say, 5 Mondays but only 4 Sundays, which can make the math a little tricky. Also, I am not guaranteed an instance of a single item per day, especially once a user starts slicing the data. Which, this is tripping up the BI tool.

The best way to tackle this problem is most likely a dates table. However, most of the tutorials for dates tables use SQL commands that are not available or not fully supported by Redshift (I'm looking at you, generate_series).

Is there an easy way to generate a dates table in Redshift?

The code I was attempting to use: (based on this also-not-working recommendation: http://elliot.land/post/building-a-date-dimension-table-in-redshift )

CREATE TABLE facts.dates (
  "date_id"              INTEGER                     NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

  -- DATE
  "full_date"            DATE                        NOT NULL,

  -- YEAR
  "year_number"          SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,
  "year_week_number"     SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,
  "year_day_number"      SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,

  "qtr_number"           SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,

  -- MONTH
  "month_number"         SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,
  "month_name"           CHAR(9)                     NOT NULL,
  "month_day_number"     SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,

  -- WEEK
  "week_day_number"      SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,

  -- DAY
  "day_name"             CHAR(9)                     NOT NULL,
  "day_is_weekday"       SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,
  "day_is_last_of_month" SMALLINT                    NOT NULL

INSERT INTO facts.dates


  -- MONTH

  -- WEEK

  -- DAY
    cast(seq + 1 AS INTEGER)                                      AS date_id,

    -- DATE
    datum                                                         AS full_date,

    -- YEAR
    cast(extract(YEAR FROM datum) AS SMALLINT)                    AS year_number,
    cast(extract(WEEK FROM datum) AS SMALLINT)                    AS year_week_number,
    cast(extract(DOY FROM datum) AS SMALLINT)                     AS year_day_number,

    -- QUARTER
    cast(to_char(datum, 'Q') AS SMALLINT)                         AS qtr_number,

    -- MONTH
    cast(extract(MONTH FROM datum) AS SMALLINT)                   AS month_number,
    to_char(datum, 'Month')                                       AS month_name,
    cast(extract(DAY FROM datum) AS SMALLINT)                     AS month_day_number,

    -- WEEK
    cast(to_char(datum, 'D') AS SMALLINT)                         AS week_day_number,

    -- DAY
    to_char(datum, 'Day')                                         AS day_name,
    CASE WHEN to_char(datum, 'D') IN ('1', '7')
      THEN 0
    ELSE 1 END                                                    AS day_is_weekday,
      extract(DAY FROM (datum + (1 - extract(DAY FROM datum)) :: INTEGER +
                        INTERVAL '1' MONTH) :: DATE -
                       INTERVAL '1' DAY) = extract(DAY FROM datum)
      THEN 1
    ELSE 0 END                                                    AS day_is_last_of_month
    -- Generate days for 81 years starting from 2000.
        '2000-01-01' :: DATE + generate_series AS datum,
        generate_series                        AS seq
      FROM generate_series(0,81 * 365 + 20,1)
    ) DQ

Which throws this error

[Amazon](500310) Invalid operation: Specified types or functions (one per INFO message) not supported on Redshift tables.;
1 statement failed.

... because, I assume, INSERT and generate_series are not allowed in the same command in Redshift


  • In asking the question, I figured it out. Oops.

    I started with a "facts" schema.

    CREATE SCHEMA facts;

    Run the following to start a numbers table:

    create table facts.numbers
      number int PRIMARY KEY

    Use this to generate your number list. I used a million to get started

    SELECT ',(' || generate_series(0,1000000,1) || ')'

    Then copy-paste the numbers from your results in the query below, after VALUES:

    INSERT INTO facts.numbers
    -- etc

    ^ Make sure to remove the leading comma from the copy-pasted list of numbers

    Once you have a numbers table, then you can generate a dates table (again, stealing code from elliot land http://elliot.land/post/building-a-date-dimension-table-in-redshift ) :

    CREATE TABLE facts.dates (
      "date_id"              INTEGER                     NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
      -- DATE
      "full_date"            DATE                        NOT NULL,
      -- YEAR
      "year_number"          SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,
      "year_week_number"     SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,
      "year_day_number"      SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,
      -- QUARTER
      "qtr_number"           SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,
      -- MONTH
      "month_number"         SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,
      "month_name"           CHAR(9)                     NOT NULL,
      "month_day_number"     SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,
      -- WEEK
      "week_day_number"      SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,
      -- DAY
      "day_name"             CHAR(9)                     NOT NULL,
      "day_is_weekday"       SMALLINT                    NOT NULL,
      "day_is_last_of_month" SMALLINT                    NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO facts.dates
      -- QUARTER
      -- MONTH
      -- WEEK
      -- DAY
        cast(seq + 1 AS INTEGER)                                      AS date_id,
        -- DATE
        datum                                                         AS full_date,
        -- YEAR
        cast(extract(YEAR FROM datum) AS SMALLINT)                    AS year_number,
        cast(extract(WEEK FROM datum) AS SMALLINT)                    AS year_week_number,
        cast(extract(DOY FROM datum) AS SMALLINT)                     AS year_day_number,
        -- QUARTER
        cast(to_char(datum, 'Q') AS SMALLINT)                         AS qtr_number,
        -- MONTH
        cast(extract(MONTH FROM datum) AS SMALLINT)                   AS month_number,
        to_char(datum, 'Month')                                       AS month_name,
        cast(extract(DAY FROM datum) AS SMALLINT)                     AS month_day_number,
        -- WEEK
        cast(to_char(datum, 'D') AS SMALLINT)                         AS week_day_number,
        -- DAY
        to_char(datum, 'Day')                                         AS day_name,
        CASE WHEN to_char(datum, 'D') IN ('1', '7')
          THEN 0
        ELSE 1 END                                                    AS day_is_weekday,
        CASE WHEN
          extract(DAY FROM (datum + (1 - extract(DAY FROM datum)) :: INTEGER +
                            INTERVAL '1' MONTH) :: DATE -
                           INTERVAL '1' DAY) = extract(DAY FROM datum)
          THEN 1
        ELSE 0 END                                                    AS day_is_last_of_month
        -- Generate days for 81 years starting from 2000.
            '2000-01-01' :: DATE + number AS datum,
            number                        AS seq
          FROM facts.numbers
          WHERE number between 0 and 81 * 365 + 20
        ) DQ
      ORDER BY 1;

    ^ Be sure to set the numbers at the end for the date range you need